Tuesday, May 26, 2020

The Goal Of The Leader - 921 Words

The Goal of the Leader The twentieth centaury was a period where different political ideologies came into existence throughout the world. The beginning of the centaury communism was occurring throughout Russia, while in the mid-twentieth centaury much of Europe was fascist and in the end of twentieth, religion played an important part of politics in Iran. The political leader who was in charge of the political movement would deem someone or an idea as the foundation of the movement, while also stating who was the enemy of the movement. Communist Russia, European Fascist and Iranian Shi’as leaders concluded the bases of their movement were the people struggling on the bottom of the socio-economic pyramid, because the movements occurred in different time periods of the twentieth centaury the enemy was not similar. Communism started in Russia, 1912 but did not become the official ruling party until 1918. V.I. Lenin was one of the founders of the Bolshevik Party in Russia and believed the Bolsheviks, o r the working class, was the core of the Russian Revolution and should be rewarded for communism occurring. Communist believed that in an ideal society everyone would be equal with no political leader or social classes. Everyone would work solely for the betterment of society and not for personal gain. Communist Russian leaders ideologies were against popular concepts of the time, which was primarily about the state, while communism was anti-state. Communist leaders believedShow MoreRelatedThe Goal Of The Leader923 Words   |  4 PagesThe Goal of the Leader The twentieth century was a period where different political ideologies came into existence throughout the world. The beginning of the century communism was occurring throughout Russia, while in the mid-twentieth century, much of Europe was fascist and in the end of the twentieth, religion played an important part of politics in Iran. The political leader who was in charge of the political movement would deem someone or an idea as the foundation of the movement, while alsoRead MoreMy Goals As A Leader2468 Words   |  10 Pages1. Identify your goals as a leader First and foremost, my goals of a leader are to gain experience with internships or working as a leader for student organizations. I believe experience in leadership is imperative for success. There are qualities of a good leader that you cannot simply learn entirely in a class room, but are learned through actually working with people and managing and motivating them to succeed. After experience, I think it’s important to always continue to learn. Working closelyRead MoreMy Goals As A Leader2346 Words   |  10 Pages1. Identify your goals as a leader As an individual, I have many short-term and many long-term goals. I have involved myself immensely during my time at Purdue University. 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The connections between a leader and subordinates are simply as vital in being an effective leader. The two theories that focus on relationships between the leader and subordinates are the Path-Goal Leadership and Leader-Member Exchange theories. Robert House developed the Path-Goal Leadership Theory in 1971 and he revised it in 1996. House’s path-goal conceptualization of leadershipRead MoreIt Is Said That Many Companies Are over Managed and Under Led. Define Leadership and Explain What the Path-Goal Theory of Leadership Is. Identify the Four Leadership Styles of Path-Goal Theory and Explain When They Are Most Appropriately Used.1312 Words   |  6 Pagesthinking, work and etc. Leaders will have different leadership styles to manage and lead their employees which are identified by the path–goal theory of leadership. This is why the attitude and the behavior of a leader will influence his/her subordinates on achieving their goals and objectives. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay about Confucianism - 1154 Words

Confucianism Confucianism is an East Asian philosophy built up by a Chinese philosopher, Confucius (Kung Fu-tzu), in the 6th - 5th century BCE. It’s a philosophy based on human morals and relationships. To really understand Confucianism, how it originated and what parts of history contributed towards its development, you have to look into: who is Confucius, the history of Confucianism and what happened to Confucianism after the death of Confucius? Who is Confucius? Confucius was of noble descent in the state of Lu (modern Shantung). No records show him attending school even though Confucius was a well educated man. He had to make his own living at an early age. He started a political career at a young age, rising in the ranks, but†¦show more content†¦There was something seriously wrong with the justice and equality in this dynasty, that the philosophy of Confucius could help. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The development of Confucianism came to an all of a sudden stop during the Chin dynasty (221BCE-206BCE) where the First Emperor didn’t approve of the Confucian ideas, therefore declared that anyone who differed with the state in their ideas, were killed, and all of Confucius teachings and books were to be burnt. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;After the death of the Emperor, the Chin dynasty was overthrown by the Han dynasty, where Confucianism was not only re-introduced, but became the dominant school of thought among imperial officials. But not long after this happening, the new leaders were convinced that having a foot in Confucian philosophy, is leading you the right way in life. What happened after the death of Confucius? Confucius believed that he didn’t achieve anything in life and that he was a failure, but if this was so, the legend and teachings of Confucius, and Confucianism would of died, but it didn’t, instead it lived on through the analects, through Mencius and through Neo-Confucianism. (a new system of Confucian thought) The Analects Confucius spent his last few years writing numbers of books that reflect his teachings. The Analects happened to be a major source book for Confucians, but the Analects wasnt written by Confucius, it was put together by his disciples afterShow MoreRelatedConfucianism : Taoism, Confucianism, And Confucianism1156 Words   |  5 PagesRaymond Cho EALC 350 October 29, 2014 Professor Birge Which philosophy: Taoism, Confucianism, or Legalism would be best in your opinion for maintaining a peaceful society? Why? Perhaps there is no single philosophy that can create a truly peaceful society. The conundrum of choosing a philosophy to embody a peaceful society is rather complicated, as the ideologies of the philosophies often differ greatly from their real world application. Debates over ideologies can create global scale problemsRead MoreChristianity And Confucianism : Confucianism2203 Words   |  9 PagesChristianity and Confucianism Christianity and Confucianism are important religions today at least according to the Chinese. As a result, the rising influence brought about by Confucianism in China tends to trigger conflicts between the two religions. The Chinese society is greatly influenced by Confucianism, which has a considerable impact on Christianity as a religion in China. The modes of thinking associated with Confucianism are evident in the Chinese Christianity, but Confucianism ideas are deeplyRead MoreConfucianism, Taoism, And Confucianism1277 Words   |  6 Pagesmain philosophies: Confucianism, Taoism, and Legalism. These beliefs helped shape Chinese culture as well as Chinese history. Not only did people believe in these ideas, but the three helped to govern the mighty Chinese dynasties. These dynasties all provided an impact to each doctrine; the philosophy that had the greatest impact was legalism because it ended the Warring States Period, provided structure, and strengthened agriculture, and the military of China. Although Confucianism, Taoism and LegalismRead MoreA Short History Of Confucianism And Confucianism1196 Words   |  5 PagesProfessor Dimick 23 November 2014 A Short History of Confucianism Confucianism is a way of life propagated by the Chinese philosopher Confucius in the 6th–5th century BCE, and it has been followed by the Chinese for more than 2000 years. Although Confucianism as changed over time, at its core, it is still places the same emphasis on the substance of learning, the source of values, and the social code of the Chinese. Additionally, the influence of Confucianism has extended to other countries such as KoreaRead MoreDifferences Between Confucianism And Confucianism1084 Words   |  5 Pagesphilosophies were similar, like their beliefs about man and society; their ideas were a little bit different and each had their own focus. The difference in focus between Confucianism and Taoism is that Confucianism was focused on having a structured society. It held as a principle the brotherhood of humanity. The opinion of Confucianism in humans was that for humans to live in harmony with each other there needed to be a type of hierarchy in place. That†™s why he had the five Confucian relationships inRead MoreEssay on Confucianism1052 Words   |  5 PagesConfucianism What is Confucianism? Confucianism was the single most important thing in Chinese life. It affected everything in China; education, government, and attitudes toward behavior in public and private life. Confucianism is not a religion, but it is more a philosophy and a guide to morality and good government. The Laozian and Mohist critiques of the Confucianism are both in an accurate fashion. Most significant value from Lazi is The Tao Te Jing. It is true that, while ConfucianismRead MoreEssay on Confucianism2000 Words   |  8 PagesConfucianism A philosopher named Confucius founded Confucianism in China 2,500 years ago. Confucianism is a system of ethical behavior and social responsibility that became the great traditions of the East.1 It played an important role in the evolution in Chinese culture over the centuries. It has influenced near-by countries and had made a mark in the history of religion. There are today over six million people who call themselves Confucianists. Most Confucianists live in East Asia whereRead More Confucianism Essay2049 Words   |  9 Pages Confucianism Mencius vs Hsun Tzu nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Is man naturally good or is he evil? This question has not only been pondered by countless philosophers, but also by religious leaders around the world. Most often a single religious faith believes in either one or the other, and often these beliefs tend to create a certain world-view which dictates much of the faith. However, in some cases such as the one I will be discussing, two religious dignitaries do not agree and the repercussionsRead MoreContributions Of Confucianism1034 Words   |  5 PagesConfucius was a great Chinese philosopher, but he was also a teacher, editor, and politician. He was born on September 28, 551 BC, and died in 479 BC. He was most well known as Confucius, but his real name is Kong Qiu. After his death, Confucianism became the official imperial philosophy of China. Later after his death, he was regarded as a sage who deserved greater recognition, and his teachings became more popular. He accomplished many great things in his life, and died a successful man. Read MoreIs Confucianism A Religion?1595 Words   |  7 PagesIs Confucianism A Religion? Without a doubt, Confucius is regarded as one of the greatest sages of China history. Some people even refer to him as a deity. There have even been attempts to make Confucianism into a religion. However, present day people regard Confucius as an ethical teacher rather than a man of religious faith, and they refuse to believe that Confucianism is a religion. However, in order to determine whether Confucianism is a religion, the most important Confucian text, The Analects

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Truth vs. Lie Essay Example For Students

Truth vs. Lie Essay I agree with the statement honesty is the best policy. People will be able to trust people who are honest, liars will have rumors spread around about them, and its just plain easier to tell the truth. Nobody likes people who lie all the time and wont know whether to trust them or not. People get annoyed by people who lie a lot. Being honest and having a reputation of never lying makes people trust them more. People are more likely to come up to a person who tells the truth and ask them a question. They are more likely to get the right answer and not a lie. People who tell the truth are more respected and arent looked down at for being a liar. People can be trusted more when they constantly tell the truth. When they ask if they can go out and do something, they are more likely to be able to because others trust them and they dont have to worry. Liars have rumors spread around about how they lie all the time. Nobody wants to talk to them because they wont know if they are lying to them or not. They arent trusted as much as people who dont lie. Liars never get very far in life and always have a reputation of lying. Its much better to tell the truth and have friends who trust them, rather than lying and having rumors spread around making no one like them. Its actually easier to just tell the truth. There are many reasons for this. One reason is, people dont have to think of lame excuses, making it much faster. Another reason is, people who tell the truth wont get in as much trouble when someone finds out that they lied to them. The last reason why telling the truth is better is, people will trust and respect them more. I agree with the statement honesty is the best policy. Everyone that reads this should also agree with me. The points I made are very good examples of why people should tell the truth and not lie. People get more respect, trust and more liked than liars.